Spring Brunch & Cultural Access Awards were a Success

Mixed ability dancers performing on stage. In the center of the dancers is a woman in a red dress with her arm up getting twirled by a man in a matching red shirt

This years brunch was one of our largest events in years, and over 170 guests came out to help us honor our Cultural Access Awardees.

The awards opened with a whimsical performance by the Center for Creative Works members and the Pennsylvania Ballet Second Company. Each Awardees’ speech was broken up by profound spoken word performances by poet-activist Osamiri Sorwal, Danielle DeAngelis 2019 Miss Wheelchair Pennsylvania, and Mike Canfield, Theater Artist. Thank you to all the supporters and guests for filling the room with arts, culture, and advocacy!

If you want to see that programming like our Spring Brunch performances continue, your ongoing support is needed. Please consider a gift to Art-Reach today!

Spring Brunch logo reads: Art-Reach Annual Spring Brunch & Cultural Access Awards: thank you for attending